The epic journey of a couple of film junkies and the movies they watch! Each week we watch/review 2 films. When will it all end? It ends when we've seen all the movies. That's right...all of them.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2013
Oscars 2013 - AMOUR
Tuesday Mar 12, 2013
Tuesday Mar 12, 2013
It's time to get all sorts of cultural, Movieciders.
We're FINALLY wrapping up our recap of the 2013 Academy Award BEST PICTURE nominees/winner. It's been a long road, but it's finally lead to the emerald city. We've seen all 9 contestants, and we're ready to vote in our Oscar pool. It's too bad the Oscars were 3 weeks ago.
AMOUR is the foreign Oscar underdog, directed by Michael Haneke and starring Jean-Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva, and Isabelle Huppert.
Get yourself a box of tissues for this one, and get ready to commit MASS MOVIECIDE!

Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
I...AM...OZ! THE GREAT AND....oh, you know how it goes.
We're venturing back to that magical land this week! No, not Detroit, but LIKE Detroit. We're headed to that merry old land of Oz. THIS WEEK, we're taking a look at the 1985 Disney Oz sequel, RETURN TO OZ, directed by Walter Murch and starring Fairuza Balk, Nicol Williamson, Jean Marsh, and Piper Laurie. After that, we jump back in the timeline for the current Disney prequel, OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL, directed by Sam Raimi, and starring James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams, and Rachel Weisz.
Sam Raimi and Oz? It's Broomsticks and Boomsticks, Movieciders. Prepare to commit MASS MOVIECIDE!

Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Oscars 2013 - LINCOLN
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Four score and seven years ago...
Slowly, but surely, we're wrapping up our coverage of the 2013 Academy Award BEST PICTURE Nominees/Winner. Today, we've got LINCOLN in the theater (ooh...poor choice of words). Directed by Steven Spielberg, LINCOLN stars Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn, Tommy Lee Jones, and Joseph Gordon Levitt.
Just remember, Movieciders, in the words of Abraham Lincoln himself: "Be excellent to each other...and party on, dudes!"
Prepare to commit MASS MOVIECIDE!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
Wednesday Mar 06, 2013
You've gotta find that silver lining.
We just might with this next Oscar 2013 flick. SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK is an uplifting look at life, love, and psychosis. Directed by David O. Russell, it stars Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, and Jackie Weaver. Heck, even Chris Tucker snuck in there! Not only that, but all four of it's lead actors were nominated for Oscars this year, and one of them indeed took home the gold (and she looked mighty fine doing so).
...No. It wasn't Chris Tucker.
Throw on a trash bag and some yoga pants, it's time to commit MASS MOVIECIDE!

Monday Mar 04, 2013
Oscars 2013 - LES MISERABLES
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Monday Mar 04, 2013
Our post-Oscar season train keeps on a-rollin'!
This time, it's the musical powerhouse LES MISERABLES. Based on the London/Broadway musical of the same name (which is, in turn, based on the novel by Victor Hugo), LES MISERABLES is directed by Tom Hooper and stars Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, and oodles more whose names sadly won't get us as many web-hits as those folks.
Do you hear the people sing, Movieciders? Prepare to commit a little MASS MOVIECIDE!

Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Our request this week comes from Isaac via our email! (MassMoviecide@gmail.com)
It's an invasion of Moviecide proportions!
This week, we're fighting off hostile monsters from unknown worlds. First up, it's SUPER 8 directed by J.J. Abrams and starring Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning, and Kyle Chandler. After that, we're headed overseas for ATTACK THE BLOCK directed by Joe Cornish and starring John Boyega, Jodie Whittaker, Alex Esmail, and Nick Frost.
Get your baseball bats, samurai swords, and super-8 cameras ready, folks. It's time to commit MASS MOVIECIDE!

Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Oscars 2013 - ZERO DARK THIRTY
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Continuing our post-Oscar, BEST PICTURE line-up!
This time, it's ZERO DARK THIRTY, the thrilling story of the assasination of USA's public enemy #1, Osama Bin Laden. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow and starring Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Jason Clarke, and Kyle Chandler.
Tango! Alpha! Bravo! Go! Go! Go! It's time for another MASS MOVIECIDE!

Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Oscars 2013 - ARGO
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Argo f*** yourself!
The Academy Awards have come and gone, but we promised to watch and discuss all 9 Best Picture nominees so that's what we're gonna do!
Up next? 2013 Best Picture WINNER, ARGO. Directed by and starring Ben Affleck, also starring John Goodman, Alan Arkin, Bryan Cranston, and Clea DuVall. Based on the true event known historically as "The Canadian Caper", ARGO is the story of CIA operative Tony Mendez as he leads 6 United States civilians out of a hostile Iran under the guise of a Hollywood movie location scout.
It's time to get your thrill-pants on, Movieciders! (What that means, I don't know. I'm still high on cold medicine).
Prepare to commit MASS MOVIECIDE!

Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Ep. 108 - James Bond #2 - GOLDFINGER and THUNDERBALL
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Goldfinger! Do you expect us to talk? No, Mass Moviecide, we expect you to podcast!
It's our second dive into the secret, sexy, murky, dangerous waters of secret agent 007 James Bond. We pick up our mission where we left off. First up, it's GOLDFINGER directed by Guy Hamilton and starring Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, and Honor Blackman. After that, we move straight ahead for THUNDERBALL directed by Terence Young and starring Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, and Adolfo Celi.
Even with a failing voice, nothing can stop MASS MOVIECIDE!

Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Sunday Feb 17, 2013
Yippee kay yay, Movieciders!
THIS WEEK we are celebrating an action film legacy! We're watching the original DIE HARD, directed by John McTiernan and starring Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, and Bonnie Bedelia. After that, we're watching the latest installment, A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD, directed by John Moore and starring Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, and Sebastion Koch. Who knows? We'll probably discuss a little DIE HARD: WITH A VENGEANCE, too. ;-)
...yeah. I used a winky-face. What of it?
Load your guns and kick off your shoes! It's time for another MASS MOVIECIDE!